Lime’s financial targets stated above constitute forward-looking information. The financial targets are based upon a number of assumptions relating to, among others, the development of Lime’s industry, business, results of operations and financial position. Lime’s business, results of operations and financial position, as well as the development of the industry and the macroeconomic environment in which Lime operates, may differ materially from, and be more negative than those assumed by Lime when the financial targets were established. As a result, Lime’s ability to reach these financial targets is subject to uncertainties and contingencies, some of which are beyond the company’s control, and no assurance can be given that Lime will be able to reach these targets or that Lime’s financial position or results from operations will not be materially different from these financial targets.
Financial targets
Lime’s target is to achieve annual net sales growth exceeding 18 percent, in the medium long term. Lime further aims to achieve an annual EBITA margin in excess of 25 percent in the medium long term. The objective of the capital structure is that net liabilities, excluding leasing liabilities, relative to EBITDA shall be less than 2.5. Lime intends to distribute available cash flow after consideration has been given to the Company’s indebtedness and future growth opportunities, including acquisitions. The target is to distribute at least 50 percent of the Company’s annual net income.